




欢迎乘坐豪华直达汽车大巴车天天发班、直达往返欧洲之星、冷暖空调、VCD、饮水机怀化 厦门随车欢迎乘坐价格优惠厦门汽车 怀化汽车顺带货物快递、旅游包车租车摘要 针对某自主SUV怠速时车内噪声较大、声品质较差的问题,利用听觉相关量分析得到声音采样中易被人耳察觉的频率成分,采用噪声源分离方法查找噪声源并进行整改。采取性能优化措施后的测试数据表明,车内怠速N挡空调关工况声压级从降低至已达到同级别合资品牌SUV车型优秀水平,车内声品质主观评价得分提高。

服务 把本文推荐给朋友 加入我的书架 加入引用管理器 E-mail Alert RSS作者相关文章 李洪亮 苏丽俐 王海洋 边科胜关键词: SUV 声品质 怠速工况 听觉相关量 燃油系统 Abstract: A homemade SUV is diagnosed with high interior noise and poor sound quality at idle speed, to solve this problem, we use auditory correlative quantity analysis to obtain frequency components from sound sample which is most perceivable by human ears, and use noise source separation method to identify sound source and rectify. With performance optimization, the test data show that the sound pressure level of at N-gear of idle speed with the air conditioner off decreases frA) tA), which improves its sound level to excellent level of joint venture SUVs of the same class, and subjective